07 March 2009


Special shout out to Mr. Lahman’s class at R.S. Kellis High School in Arizona. Y’all are amazing individuals and your teacher is inspiring to all.

The past 2 months have blown my eyes and mind wide open. It is challenging to think of how to put it all into words. I feel like I have been trying to write this post for about 3 weeks now; trying to properly express what I’m feeling over here in Namibia.

The one common lesson that I feel myself learning over and over is that of “acceptance.” I find myself learning this lesson from my learners, my colleagues, people in the community and throughout the whole country.

As I wrote before, most of the learners live in Mangetti in mud huts far away from their families (20-90K). They are responsible for everything in their lives while in Mangetti. It blows my mind to think of 10 year olds being completely self-sufficient, going to school and trying their best to improve their lives. I never hear a learner gripe about their responsibilities that are astronomically greater than any child I've ever encountered. They just do it. They accept their life situation and make the best of it knowing that that's just what they have to do. I know that my learners understand that in order to improve their situation they need to do the best they can in school. Education is incredibly key to their future and I am humbled to be a part of it.

I have shared some amazing conversations with colleagues about their schooling. They were all schooling during colonial times in Namibia. To say that I am grateful for my education in the US is an incredible understatement. Imagine teachers walking around with huge sticks ready to wail on you for a wrong answer. Imagine being so scared that all you ever do is memorize material instead of actually trying to process information and learn something. I have so much respect for my colleagues that they made it through school during such a trying time. But it all comes back to "acceptance." They accepted their life situation and did their best in those moments to succeed and overcame serious obstacles.

Observing Namibians in Mangetti and throughout the country, I see the most beautiful souls I've ever seen. Some may not have running water, electricity or ready access to food. Alot of Namibians do not have transportation to get food, run errands or visit family and friends. Hitchhiking is a way of life in Namibia. It is a beautiful thing, but definitely requires a great deal of patience and ACCEPTANCE. It is interesting to think about your day's plans revolving on whether or not you can find a hike. Like I said, sometimes these plans revolve around getting food for their family. I see an unbelievable amount of acceptance in this. They do what they have to do, when they are able and enjoy life all the while.

It definitely took some adjusting, but I am so grateful for this particular lesson that I am learning on a daily basis. My life is so much more peaceful. When I wake up and there is no water to shower, my day proceeds just as it would with a shower (maybe just a little smellier). :) When I can't get a hike back to my village at the time I had expected, I patiently wait for hours. I accept my situation by breathing and seeing the beauty that constantly surrounds me.

I cannot say that I have mastered this, but it is something that I am working on daily. I still get frustrated, I still get anxious, but overall I am at peace with life and whatever it throws at me. I am really excited to take this lesson back home to the US with me when that time comes.

Thanks for listening. I hope I've been able to give you a glimpse into this amazing lesson that I am learning.

Peace be with you all.

The beautiful clouds in northern Namibia. This picture was taken while riding in the back of a truck last week. It was awesome!

02 March 2009

New Pics

I will post a new update in the next week or so, but for now enjoy some new pictures.


One Love.