23 September 2008

2 more months!!!

I can't believe that I leave for Namibia in just over 2 months!! We don't have our departure date yet, but it will be sometime after Christmas. I am getting really, really pumped! It's been a looooooooonnnnggggg year awaiting this time. Since I was originally supposed to go to Kenya, I have been accepted into WorldTeach since last December 31st! It has been beneficial in regards to fundraising, but it is truly testing my patience. :) Although I am excited about my departure, I have quite a bit going on in the next 2 months; some exciting, some not so much. Here is a sampling...
  • Finishing up this 2 week stint as a 5th grade bilingual teacher at Winn. It is awesome. I love the kids. It has made me realize just how much I miss having my own class. It's also challenged my Spanish skills as I have to teach Reading and Math in Spanish. Today, we learned about 4 different properties of Multiplication. I definitely had to check on some translations, not to mention the stinkin' concept!
  • Having crown lengthening surgery at the beginning of October. For those of you who don't know what that entails; it's where the periodontist cuts my gums and bone so that my tooth shows more (so I can have crowns put on my root canals). Sounds pretty sweet, huh? :)
  • Getting paid for the first time in 3 months! It's not going to be a whole lot, but it sure beats selling my stuff on craigslist so I have money.
  • Going to visit my boys, Andy and Aaron, in Sprawlville, Arizona in the middle of October. :) Probably going to be a few tears shed at the end of that weekend.
  • Witnessing history as Barack Obama hopefully wins the Presidential Election!! **Not trying to offend any McCain supporters, but Obama's my dude...and this is my blog! :)
  • Saying good bye to my amazing friends, students and family in Austin on November 8th. It has been an amazing 6.5 years here. Most definitely will be some serious tears shed when my dad comes to bring me back to Ohio.
  • Getting to hang out with my fam and friends in the Midwest!
  • Going to see the Browns play (and hopefully win) at Cleveland Browns Stadium.
  • Going to see the Cavs play (I have more faith in the Cavs...after all, I am a Witness) at The Q.
  • Being home to see Ohio State whoop Michigan for the 5th straight year! O-H...
  • Spending Thanksgiving AND Christmas with my fam for the first time in FOR-EVER...FOR-EVER (think Sandlot).
  • Possibly meeting up with some fellow WorldTeach volunteers before we depart at a Mutual Kumquat show in Michigan.
  • LEAVING FOR NAMIBIA after Christmas!!!!!
There is definitely much more to list, but I'm getting a wee bit sleepy, and I don't want to bore you any more than I already have. :)

Oh, and check out my amazing fundraising progress! Thanks to everyone who has helped! Those of you waiting to donate...what are you waiting for?!?! :) Only $268 more!!!

Love and peace to you all...

12 September 2008


Thanks to all of the many generous donations made over the past 8 months, I reached my original goal of $6,000! I am now setting a new goal of $10,000. I misunderstood exactly how much I needed to pay WorldTeach and there have been some unexpected medical and dental costs to take care of. I have also raised my goal to ensure my goal of staying in Namibia for over 1 year. If I am to stay for another year, I will most likely have to purchase my own health insurance. I appreciate your generosity in donating towards my volunteer experience. Your willingness to support me allows me to help my community in Namibia to the best of my ability. I am just $358 away from my new goal!! Every little bit helps. Thank you kindly for your support!